Tarot Talks

I want to talk today about my journey with the Tarot and my first experience with learning the Tarot.

At first, I had thought that the Tarot was just a deck of cards to learn from and use and that was it.

I was wrong.

I have been practicing with the Tarot for almost 5 years now. I didn’t think that I could learn more. Then, I found Reiki Reverend, Antonio Dixon on his old Etsy page. I saw that he had many different avenues for Reiki and Tarot practice that never have been out there before for the price!

I ordered healing, reading, and also a course. It changed my whole perspective on everything. I got certified as an Akashic Records Reader, Tarot Master Teacher, and also Shamanic systems of healing as well.

It has really opened up my whole spiritual wake up call.

I knew that I was somewhat awake before I met him, but I am now more awake than ever.

I see that after getting certified for the Tarot, that the cards were no longer just images with a few words attached to them. I found to my surprise, that they started to talk to me on new levels. I found when cleaning my room that one card was under my bed. It was the five of pentacles!

I noticed that the card was reversed. At first, I thought nothing of it I thought okay I need to consider its messages. Shortly after, I remembered the meaning and read more about it. Then at work, it took on a whole new meaning. It almost became a portal, some type of a wakeup call and catalyst for change.

I found that it was providing me a green light to let go and move forward.

It gave me the breakdown and breakthrough that was needed for me to have to make inspired action. I started to think, “Hey I have this degree, I have these skills, why am I settling for a day job of 10 years that has been stale for so long?”

I found that my job had been an incredible foundation for my life. It has taught me a lot. I gained many skills and had a career with it for some time. I found later though that it was keeping me poor in spiritual aspects, self- esteem, and so forth.

I discovered this for myself during a heated experience between two people at work. I found for myself that I am not going down the path of my life purpose, nor taking present action for myself. I was allowing others making choices for me, twirling me around in the hamster wheel getting nowhere.

I finally needed that slap in the face from having Antonio present and in my life, allowing me to grow and allowing spirit to remind me of the potential that awaits.

I feel that Tarot can be used as a lifeline for those that need communication with the Great Spirit. That you are not going to be punished for using this divine tool, in fact, you will be awakened and rewarded for your efforts on an entirely new level.

I invite you to contact me, and check out and his website to gain more understanding. A profound impact that is a Godsend for new and positive changes in your life.

Until We Meet Again,

Reiki Blesssings From Your Raven of Hope