Tag: my journey

  • My Journey With Life Coaching

    I have always liked the idea to help others in a way that a life coach does.

    I got my certification about a year ago by Reiki Reverend, and it was life-changing.

    At first, I didn’t think that I could benefit from this personally or professionally. However, shortly after I was certified, I started to help three incredible women who quickly changed my mind.

    I have seen them grow and take action a few weeks in with this. They inspired me to use my own coaching techniques when it comes to developing new habits and routine.

    I am doing daily journaling, walking, doing housework and daily affirmations with a whole new outlook. I have noticed the energy shift greatly for me to a much higher vibration.

    I start to feel my anxiety and depression kick in and then I stop myself and start to do a morning journal. It’s a gratitude list, made popular by teachers of the Law of Attraction. I can confidently say that working on this list has definitely helped.

    I hope that if you don’t go to me for coaching that you’ll check out Reiki Reverend, Antonio Dixon, for life coaching.

    He has a program called Reiki Plus which for me was a life-changing, spiritual transformation.

    Thanks for reading.

    Until We Meet Again,

    Reiki Blesssings From Your Raven of Hope

  • The Start of My Journey

    My Journey started at a young age. I was always an empath. I remember watching movies and crying over others being hurt. I never knew I was actually feeling others emotions.

    I was always shy and the observer. I remember teachers asking my mom if I was mute. I was not. My mom said she is just not comfortable. I remember feeling spirits as a child and not wanting to be in the dark. I also remember being able to help others at a young age with my words, or just being around them.

    The first experience I had with a spirit was around 12 years old. I remember seeing it, but I didn’t think anything of it.

    I always was a people pleaser, even when I went through my ‘tough stage,’ telling others to go to Hell. I really did care, but I projected because I was hurt.

    I remember from my early 20’s and up struggling with weight, I still do. I also struggled with keeping friends. I wanted to be in love and be loved so bad that I pushed past my boundaries to find it. This resulted in heartache after heartache, never feeling enough.

    I remember writing poems, thinking constantly of my potential with writing. I struggled taking time out to do what I personally loved. I would always put others first and find myself, and find that quick motivation to help others, but not myself.

    When I was 22, I started to find out what real love is.

    I started to read books on other religions and loved it!  I started to read self-help books. Some books about intuition first, then more religion, divination, and finally the craft. I love being out with nature. Being outside even though I struggle with allergies and asthma, I take meds to help me be closer to nature.

    I then moved in with the love of my life, started getting my attunements to Reiki, and then I started making a youtube channel and reading others. I would soon get my first paid client. She was from way out on the other side of the world in Malta. This was a cool experience.

    She was a big part of my life and business for almost 3 years. I then grew from there to start an etsy shop, and soon my own weebly site.

    I kept finding other Reiki healing techniques online and on Etsy.

    Then I found Reiki Reverend, Antonio, and he helped me get to where I am today.

    From Insight With Reiki and Clairvoyance, to Raven of Hope. My next posts will be about Alex Shaw helping me, and why my business name changed.

    Be sure to subscribe and keep reading my story as it evolves.

    Until Then,

    Reiki Blesssings From Your Raven of Hope