Tag: shadows

  • Shadows in The Park – Ways to Protect Yourself From Darkness

    I have been going on night walks with my husband for a couple of weeks now.

    We like to take our fur-baby to the park whenever we have the chance.

    I find that our small town park is so full of magic. I was really shocked when we discovered shadow spirits around too. One night by the water, I even saw shadow man walk out.

    I didn’t think anything of it I thought that it was our shadow, then I noticed that the shadow was definitely too big. My husband noticed it as well.

    The next night, there was a shadow running on more than two legs next to our fur-baby. It disappeared out of nowhere. My husband and I were very amused. 

    I am bringing this up because it is always a good idea to always have a way to protect yourself against dark energies.

    I would suggest keeping holy water in your purse, just think of it as metaphysical pepper spray. You can just go to a local church and ask for some, or contact me and I can send you a vial that I make and bless myself.

    You can also put on blessed jewelry or even carry a crystal around for protection. It is important to know that light and dark are both needed to create harmony and natural order. I feel that dark energies shouldn’t be feared too much because it will use that fear as a way to invite itself in.

    Saying prayers and remaining faithful, no matter your religion is the most important. When in doubt, go with your gut feeling 1st. Trust in yourself, and giving yourself time to raise your vibrations will help most in the long run when it comes to protection. 

    You are always welcome to contact me as well. I do energetic cleansings, home blessings, and entity removal.

    Just let me know how I can be of service, and I’ll do my best to help.

    Until We Meet Again,

    Reiki Blesssings From Your Raven of Hope